“Ask the Expert” is a weekly series featuring local experts in a variety of different fields with topics varying from health department updates to sexual and reproductive health to tax help and more.
Community members can join and ask questions to the exerts live, or anyone can submit questions ahead of time here. Click the dropdown and select which expert you’d like to ask your question to, and then submit your question.
If you have experts you’d like to hear from or topics you’d like to hear about, or if you’re an expert and would like to be featured, please email info@motivatelakecounty.com.
Upcoming Experts
- 9/30: What You Need to Know About Medical Marijuana, AJ Caraballo, Buckeye Relief
- NO EVENT ON 10/7
- 10/14: COVID-19 + Health Dept. Updates, Ron H. Graham, Lake County General Health District
Previously Featured Experts
- Lori Caszatt, Lake Humane Society
- Ron H. Graham, Lake County General Health District
- Courtney Gravens, Lake County Free Clinic
- Lisa Huendorf, Family Planning Division of Signature Health, Inc.
- Betty Jacobs, LGBTQ+ Allies Lake County
- Katie Jenkins, NAMI of Lake County
- Tia Lawrence, Torchlight Youth Mentoring Alliance
- Michael Liner, Liner Legal
- Tiffany Menosky, Lifeline, Inc
- Jeffrey Meyer, Amateur Radio
- Dr. Cara Ogren, Synergy Physical Therapy and Wellness
- Mary Pelton, Mentor Public Library
- Steve Pelton, hChoices
- Fawziah Saleh, Lake County WIC
- James Schleicher, Western & Southern Life Insurance Company
- Tim Stallings, AlerStallings
- Anne Sweeney, Legal Aid Society of Cleveland
- Sandra Tenkku, Lake County ADAMHS Board
- Kelsey Weed, Family Planning Division of Signature Health, Inc.