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Creating A Plan To Improve Sleep

Current state of Readiness: Preparation

Individuals openly state their intent to change within the next 6 months and are more aware of the benefits of changing, but remain aware of the costs.

Our Goal: To encourage and motivate you to make specific plans.

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Minor lifestyle and environment changes can have a large impact on your ability to get a good night’s sleep.

  • Prepare for sleep
  • Follow a sleep schedule
  • Make your bedroom conducive to sleep

Get Your Mind & Body Into Sleep Mode

  • Relax your body.
    • To reduce muscular tension
    • Try techniques such as meditation, progressive relaxation, or even taking a warm bath.
  • Unwind mentally.
    • About a half hour before going to bed, enjoy a low-key activity such as reading or listening to music.
    • Once in bed, try to stop worrying.
    • Avoid solving your problems from your bed.
    • Before going to bed, make a list of problems and “next steps” for the following day.
  • Try a high-carb snack.
    • A light snack that is high in carbohydrates, such as a plain bagel, might help you relax.
    • Avoid heavy, spicy, or high-sugar foods.
  • Follow a Schedule
    • Go to bed and get up at the same time every day – even on weekends.
    • Creating a routine can help condition your mind and body to expect sleep at a regular time.
  • Make Your Bedroom More Sleep-Friendly
    • Block out noise
      • Turn off radios and televisions
    • Reduce light.
      • Light affects the way your brain produces hormones that regulate your sleep cycle.
      • Even a minimal amount of light can disrupt your sleep.
    • Adjust the room temperature. If you are too warm or too cold, you are less likely to sleep soundly.
    • Move the clock.
      • If you have insomnia, looking at the clock can make you anxious.
      • It’s best to keep it out of view.
    • Have your pet sleep somewhere else.
    • Address your partner’s sleep problems.
      • A bed partner who snores, tosses and turns a lot, talks while sleeping, or gets up often can affect your own sleep.

The Next Step

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