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Financial Literacy: Money Talks – Smart Shopping

Are you ready to transform into a shopping superhero? This isn’t just about spending money; it’s about spending it wisely and having fun along the way!

1. The Power of Price Tags: Understanding What You Pay
We’ll kick off by decoding the secrets behind price tags. Learn how to spot a real deal from a clever trick. We’ll explore discounts, sales, and why sometimes cheaper isn’t always better. Get ready to become a price tag detective!

2. Needs vs. Wants: The Smart Shopper’s Dilemma
Ever struggle with choosing between what you need and what you want? We’ll dive into how to make smart choices while shopping. Through interactive scenarios, you’ll learn how to prioritize your purchases and avoid impulse buying.

3. Quality Quest: Finding Value in Your Buys
Discover the art of finding quality products without breaking the bank. We’ll explore how to check for quality, read reviews, and understand why sometimes paying a bit more upfront can save you money in the long run.

4. Bargain Hunting: Tips and Tricks
Who doesn’t love a good bargain? We’ll share some top tips and tricks for finding the best deals, using coupons, and shopping during sales. Learn how to hunt for bargains like a pro!

5. Digital Dollars: Online Shopping Smarts
In our digital world, online shopping is a must-know skill. We’ll cover how to shop safely online, compare prices, and avoid common pitfalls. Plus, learn how to protect your personal information while snagging the best deals from the comfort of your home.

6. Eco-Friendly Shopping: Good for Your Wallet and the Planet
Last but not least, let’s talk about shopping with the planet in mind. Learn how making eco-friendly choices cannot only be good for the Earth but also save you money.

Say goodbye to buyer’s remorse and hello to being a savvy shopper. Let’s embark on this journey to shop smart and save big!

The event is only possible because of the generous support of the Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council.

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