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Creating A Plan To Move More

Current state of Readiness: Preparation

Individuals openly state their intent to change within the next 6 months and are more aware of the benefits of changing, but remain aware of the costs.

Our Goal: To encourage and motivate you to make specific plans.

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Make Exercising Fun

The reason why many people get discouraged from exercising is because it is very “boring”. No one wants to run on the treadmill for an hour everyday staring at the blank walls. But there are many ways that you can make exercising fun. Making exercising fun is very important because if you enjoy exercising then you will be more likely to get out and do it. If you hate exercising, then you are going to struggle with trying to do it. So, here are some ways to make your exercising routine more fun.

Try out some of these simple tips to make exercising more fun to get yourself more motivated to exercise, to achieve your fitness goals.

  • Workout with a friend- having someone by your side to have conversation with while you’re exercising can it make it a lot easier.
  • Set Goals- Start setting goals such as, “I want to lose 5 pounds in 3 weeks”. When you set these goals, it makes it easier to exercise because you will be more motivated to achieve the goals you have set. Instead of just exercising with no end goal set in place.
  • Change It Up- Try doing different exercises, don’t get stuck trying to the same the same type of exercising all the time. That can become very boring and cause you to get frustrated and stop exercising all together. For example, if you’re always running on the treadmill try jumping rope instead.
  • Take A Group Class- There are several group exercise classes available including dance classes such as Zumba, yoga classes, step classes, cycling classes, and many more. Exercising in a group can make it a lot easier because you have other people around you to feed off and communicate with.
  • Listen to Music- Listening to your favorite music can make exercising a lot more enjoyable. Instead of listening to the sound of your feet hitting the treadmill you can listen to some of your favorite artists.
  • Reward Yourself- Knowing that if you complete your workout you will get rewarded will make you more motivated to complete it. Some of these rewards may include going shopping or getting a massage.

Types of Physical Activity

Aerobic activities make you breathe harder and make your heart and blood vessels healthier.

  • Walking
  • Dancing
  • Swimming
  • Water aerobics
  • Jogging and running
  • Aerobic exercise classes
  • Bicycle riding (stationary or on a path)
  • Some gardening activities, such as raking and pushing a lawn mower
  • Tennis
  • Golfing (without a cart)

Flexibility-enhancing activities ensure a good range of motion in the joints. Loss of flexibility can be a predisposing factor for physical issues, such as pain syndromes or balance disorders. Gender, age, and genetics may all influence range of motion.

  • Stretching
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi or Qi Gong
  • Pilates

Muscle-strengthening activities build up your strength. These activities work all the different parts of the body—legs, hips, back, chest, stomach, shoulders, and arms—and include:

  • Heavy gardening (digging, shoveling)
  • Lifting weights
  • Push-ups on the floor or against the wall
  • Sit-ups
  • Working with resistance bands (long, wide rubber strips that stretch)
  • Pilates

10,000 Step Recommendation

How Far is 10,000 Steps?

  • 2,000 steps is approximately 1 mile
  • 10,000 steps is close to 5 miles

Plan to Achieve Success

  • Start by wearing the pedometer every day for one week
  • Put it on when you get up in the morning and wear it until bed time
  • Record your daily steps in a log or notebook
  • End of the week: calculate your average daily steps
  • Goal: Increase average daily steps by 500 until you average 10,000 per day

Walking for Results

  • General health: 30 minutes, most days of the week, talking pace
  • Cardiovascular fitness: 20-30 minutes, 3-4 days a week, fast pace
  • Weight loss: 45-60 minutes, 5+ days a week, brisk pace

Body Position: Watch Your Posture

  • Walk tall
  • Hold your head up, chin level and eyes forward gazing about 20 feet ahead
  • Shoulders should be down, back and relaxed
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and buttocks

Tips for Walking Faster

  • Good posture
  • Bend your arms slightly and swing them front to back
  • Faster arms = Faster feet
  • Take smaller, faster steps
  • Land on your heel, roll through the step and push off with your toes
  • Breathe naturally
  • The faster you walk, the more steps you will take in a shorter amount of time

The Next Step

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