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Implementing The Plan To Move More

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Individuals have made intentional lifestyle modifications.

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Typical Workout

  • Warm Up
  • Cardio
  • Resistance Training
  • Cool Down
  • Stretching/Flexibility Exercises

The Warm-Up

Stretching is not warming up!
A proper warm-up should raise your body temperature by one or two degrees Fahrenheit.
The warm-up should begin with joint-rotations, starting either from your toes and working your way up, or from your fingers and working your way down.

Joint Rotations

  • Slow circular movements in both direction.
  • Results in lubrication of the entire joint.

Joint Rotation Sequence

  • Fingers and knuckles
  • Wrists
  • Elbows
  • Shoulders
  • Neck
  • Trunk/waist
  • Hips
  • Legs
  • Knees
  • Ankles
  • Toes


  • An activity that raises your heart rate
  • How long should you do cardio
    • Typically cardio is done for 30+ minutes
    • Real answer depends on the amount of calories you need to burn and the intensity of your workout
  • Heart Rate
    • Max Heart Rate:
      • Highest number of times your heart can contract in one minute
      • Formula
      • Max Heart Rate = 220 – age
    • Targets
      • Light Exercise: 50% – 60%
      • Weight Lose: 60% – 70%
      • Aerobic Endurance: 70% – 80%
      • Elite Athlete: 80% +
    • Example
      • 40 yr old desiring to lose weight (65% of Max Heart Rate)
      • (220 – 40 = 180 ; 180 x 65% = 117 beats per minute)
  • Intensity
    • Moderate:
      • 40-60% of max heart rate
      • Slightly increased rate of breathing
      • Feels “light” to “somewhat hard”
      • Can easily carry on a conversation
      • Example: Walking
    • Vigorous:
      • Above 60% of your max heart rate
      • Increased rate of breathing
      • Sweating
      • Feel “somewhat hard” to “very hard”
      • Example: jogging, power walking, endurance sports
  • Pulse
    • Pulse: rate at which your heart beats
    • Usually called your heart rate (number of times your heart beats each minute)
    • Your pulse can be felt as blood passes through your arteries
    • Check your pulse
      • Place the pads of these three fingers just below the wrist creases at the base of the thumb
      • Press lightly until you feel a pulse (blood pulsing under your fingers)
      • Count the beats you feel for 15 seconds and multiply this by four to get your heart rate per minute
      • Use a watch or clock with a second hand

Resistance Training

Any exercise that causes the muscles to contract against an external resistance
Common terminology

  • Repetition or “rep”: One complete movement of a exercise
  • Set: A group of reps

Way to reach your desired results:

  • Muscle Mass/Strength: 6-8 reps 4 sets
  • Tone/Endurance: 12-15 reps 4 sets

Sample: Upper Body Workout

  • Chest: Chest Press, Fly, Chest Squeeze, Push Up, Dip
  • Back: Bent-Over Row, Hyperextensions, Reverse Fly
  • Shoulders: Shoulder Press, Dumbbell Raise Front, Dumbbell Raise Side
  • Arms: Biceps Curl, Hammer Curl, Wrist Curls, Triceps Extension, Kickbacks

Sample: Lower Body Workout

  • Legs: Squat/Pile Squat, Lunge, Stiff Leg Dead Lift, Step-Up + Knee Lift, Hip Abduction, Butt Clenches, Thigh Squeeze, Calf Raises

Sample: Core Workout

  • Stomach: Ab Squeezes, Crunch, V-Sit Pull-Back, Plank, Wipe-Away, Side Scissors Crunch, Butterfly Chest Lift

Cool Down

  • Perform light cardio exercise
    • Example: 5 to 10 minutes walking
  • Benefits:
    • Decrease body temperature
    • Remove waste products from the working muscles
    • Reduce the chances of dizziness or fainting caused by the pooling of blood at the extremities
    • Allows the heart rate to return to its resting rate

Stretching and Flexibility

Stretching: Actively working to lengthen your muscles
Flexibility: The ability to bend and move through the complete range of movement in a joint

Benefits include:

  • Increases flexibility
  • Improves range of motion of your joints
  • Improves circulation
  • Relieves stress and promotes mental and physical relaxation
  • Enhances body awareness
  • Reduces risk of injury to joints, muscles, and tendons
  • Reduces muscular soreness

The Correct Way to Stretch

  • Assume a position and then hold it there with no assistance
  • Don’t bounce. Bouncing can cause small tears in the muscle
  • Expect to feel tension, but if it hurts, you’ve gone too far

How Long to Hold Each Stretch?

  • Adults: 20-30 seconds
  • Youth: 7-10 seconds


  • Take slow, relaxed breaths
  • Proper way to breathe:
  • Inhale slowly through the nose, expanding the abdomen (not the chest), hold the breath a moment, then exhale slowly through the nose or mouth

Static Stretching Sequence

Assume a position and then hold it there with no assistance
Sequence: Back, Sides, Neck, Forearms and wrists, Triceps, Chest, Buttocks, Groin, Thighs, Calves, Shins, Hamstrings, Instep

Workout Routine Recap

  • Warm Up
    • Joint Rotations
      • Slow circular movements in both direction
      • Start either at your toes or fingers and work your way through your entire body
      • Result: joint lubrication
  • Cardio
    • Walking, running, bicycling, swimming, dancing, aerobics
    • Example: (walking)
      • Warm up by going slow and easy (2 min)
      • Increase the pace (bigger/faster strides) (3min)
      • Slow down slightly (2 min)
      • Repeat steps 2&4 (3 times)
      • Cool down by going at an easy pace (3 min)
  • Resistance Training
    • Perform 3 sets (series) of each exercise for 12 to 15 repetitions
    • Do not workout the same muscle group 2 consecutive days
    • Example routine: (5 days a week)
      • M: Upper body (chest, shoulders, triceps)
      • T: Cardio and Abs
      • W: Lower body
      • Th: Cardio and Abs
      • F: Upper body (back, biceps, forearms)
  • Cooldown
    • Helps the heart rate and respiration slow down gradually
    • Helps avoid dizziness/fainting and allows your muscles to recover
    • Slow down and cool off, but continue moving until you’re not sweating anymore and your skin is cool to the touch
    • Use this time to sip water and rehydrate.
  • Stretching/Flexibility Exercises
    • Slow and controlled, without bouncing
    • Benefits: Increased range of motion, aid in workout recovery, decrease muscle soreness, and reduce likelihood of future injury

Keep Going – You Can Do It

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