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Creating A Plan To Relax More

Current state of Readiness: Preparation

Individuals openly state their intent to change within the next 6 months and are more aware of the benefits of changing, but remain aware of the costs.

Our Goal: To encourage and motivate you to make specific plans.

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How to Prevent or Relieve Stress

  • Take a stand against over-scheduling.
  • Ask for and accept help.
  • Stay in touch with friends and family. Social activities can help you feel connected and may reduce stress.
  • Find time for exercise.
  • Prioritize, make lists and establish a daily routine.
  • Be aware of what you’re thinking and try to change negative thoughts.
  • See your doctor for a checkup. Talk to him/her about symptoms.
  • Try to get enough sleep and rest.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Take one day at a time.
  • Learn to relax.

Tips for Avoiding/Managing Stress

  • Learn Stress Management Techniques
    • Having a variety of tools at your disposal and practicing them will ensure you are ready to for any situation.
  • Workout
    • Exercise and enjoy something you like to do (walking, dancing, biking, running, swimming, etc.) for a minimum of 20 minutes at least three times per week.
  • Meditate
    • Sit still and breathe deeply with your mind as “quiet” as possible whenever things feel like they are moving too quickly or you are feeling overwhelmed.
  • Ask for help
    • According to a national survey of adults who are currently providing care for an aging loved one, 72 percent do so without any outside help.
      Enlist the help of other family members, friends, and/or consider hiring a professional non-medical caregiver for assistance.
  • Take a break
    • Take single days or even a week’s vacation, and when you’re away, stay away.
    • Talk about different things, read that book you haven’t been able to get to, etc. – there is no excuse not to.
  • Eat well
    • Eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, proteins, including nuts and beans, and whole grains. Indulging in caffeine, fast food and sugar as quick “pick-me-ups” also produce a quick “let-down.”
  • Take care of yourself
    • Just like you make sure your loved one gets to the doctor regularly, make sure you get your annual check-up.
  • Indulge
    • Treat yourself to a foot massage, manicure, nice dinner out, or a concert to take yourself away from the situation and to reward yourself.
    • You shouldn’t feel guilty about wanting to feel good.
  • Find Support
    • Support groups provide a place to get practical advice from people who have experienced stress and to bounce off those feelings of stress.
    • People who are part of a support group likely have been in a similar situation and can empathize.

If you don’t take care of yourself, you will never be able to work effectively and provide for your loved ones. This means eating right, getting adequate rest, building exercise into your schedule, and keeping up with your medical appointments.

The Next Step

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