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Implementing The Plan To Sleep Better

Current state of Readiness: Action

Individuals have made intentional lifestyle modifications.

Our Goal: To keep you motivated and on track.

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Are you Sleep Deprived

  • Do this simple test starting on a Sunday:
    • Do not drink alcohol or caffeine; do not smoke;
    • Go to sleep about the same time every night and get an uninterrupted seven to eight hours of sleep for the next six nights.
  • Then, on Saturday morning, sleep in. See how long your body will let you sleep.
    • If you sleep longer than you did during the week, then you have a sleep debt.

Simple Tips

  • Drink a glass of warm milk.
    • Milk contains tryptophan, a chemical that may promote sleep in some people.
  • Have a light snack, but only if you’re hungry.
    • Going to bed hungry can affect your sleep.
    • Be careful not to overeat; indigestion can interrupt sleep.
  • Stay out of bed until you feel tired enough to go to sleep.
    • Whenever you’ve been lying in bed for 20 minutes and can’t fall asleep, go into another room and do something relaxing.
  • Exercise
    • Avoid exercising within three hours of bedtime.
    • Exercise actually stimulates the body by speeding up the heart rate and metabolism.
    • Exercising on a regular basis (during the day) may help you sleep well at night.
  • Smoking
    • Nicotine is a stimulant that can keep you awake.
    • Avoid smoking in the six hours before your bedtime.
  • Caffeine
    • Caffeine can delay your sleep and cause you to wake up during the night.
    • Avoid caffeinated drinks and foods (coffee, tea, cola, chocolate) after noon.
  • Liquids
    • Avoid drinking fluids before bedtime to decrease the chance of having the urge to go to the bathroom during the night.
  • Review Your Medications Which May Affect Sleep
    • Alertness medications
    • Analgesics
    • Antidepressants
    • Arthritis medications
    • Asthma medications
    • Blood pressure medications
    • Cold/allergy medications
    • Diet pills
  • Talk to Your Doctor: Medical Conditions That Affect Sleep
    • Sleep apnea: A condition characterized by temporary breathing interruptions during sleep.
      • Symptoms include loud snoring and a gasping or snorting sound when the sleeping individual starts to breathe again.
      • Treatments include breathing devices that keep the airway open during sleep.
    • Narcolepsy: A sleep disorder marked by sudden, uncontrollable urges to sleep, causing an individual to fall asleep at inappropriate times.
    • Insomnia: Sleep problems characterized by difficulty falling asleep, frequent wakings during the night, or waking up earlier than desired.
    • Restless Leg Syndrome
      • The “pins and needles,” “internal itch,” or “creeping, crawling sensation.”
      • Most often these symptoms occur when one is sleepy or lying down and are relieved only by vigorously moving the legs.

Tips for Staying Alert

  • Eat breakfast.
    • Avoid a “sugar rush.”
    • Instead, eat meals and snacks that combine complex carbohydrates and protein.
  • Move around.
    • Stimulate your body by taking a brief walk outside.
  • Vary your activities.
    • Don’t focus on the same task for long periods of time.
  • Get chilly.
    • A surge of cold air might perk you up.

Keep Going – You Can Do It

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